United Kingdom, Royal Marines’ Service Records, 1842-1925
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Search in United Kingdom, Royal Marines’ Service Records, 1842-1925
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United Kingdom, Royal Marines’ Service Records, 1842-1925
112,012 기록
<p>This collection is comprised of service registers of men who joined the Royal Marines between 1842 and 1925. The indexed records contain the following searchable information: first and last name, date of birth, and date of enlistment.</p><br><p>The content in this collection originates from <a href="https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/" target="blank">The National Archives</a> and contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.</p><br><br>These records were originally created in 1884 but include records created retrospectively for anyone who had joined earlier and was still serving in 1884. If you cannot find a record for a Marine in this collection, the person may have been an officer or the Marine had left the service by 1884. The information in the full records may also include the following: place of birth, occupation, religion, place of enlistment, physical description, names of ships and shore stations served on, details of conduct or promotion and medal entitlement.
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