New York Genealogical And Biographical Record, Volume 45, January 1914
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New York Genealogical And Biographical Record, Volume 45, January 1914
926 pages
New York Genealogical And Biographical Record (1914). "Devoted to the interests of American genealogy and biography."<br><br>Editors: 1895-Jan. 1900, R. H. Greene; Apr. 1900-Jan. 1902, H.<br><br> R. Stiles; Apr. 1902-Apr. 1907, M. E. Dwight; July 1907-Jan. 1910, G. A. Morrison; Apr. 1910-Jan. 1911, H. S. Mott; Apr. 1911-Jan. 1912, J. R. Totten; Apr. 1912-Jan. 1922, H. S. Mott; Apr. 1922-Jan. 1936, J. R. Totten; Apr. 1936-Jan. 1937, H. M. Pitman; Apr. 1937-Oct. 1938, C. A. Ditmas; Jan. 1939-Jan. 1942, L. E. De Forest; Apr.-Oct. 1942, C. Mann; Jan. 1943- A. S. Maynard<br><br>Subject index: Vols. 1-24, 1870-93. 1 v.; Vols. 1-38, 1870-1907. 1 v.; Vols. 39-76, 1908-45. 1 v
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